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Links to our favorite sites.
Robin's Dog Tips
We are fortunate indeed, that Robin Tierney has given us permission to provide a link to this invaluable site. While not limited to Goldens, you will find a "Tipsheet Index" covering many problems or concerns common to all pet owners. Very timely now that Spring is here, the tipsheet on repelling fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes features natural, and/or less harmful alternatives for prevention and treatment. It was prepared by the Partnership for Animal Welfare. |
Breed Standard
A reference to guide you as you begin to look for your new Golden companion.
Breeder with a capital "B"
I am grateful to Bev Bernstein of Honeylake Golden Retrievers, for permission to post this link. Thankyou, Bev! |
A Good Breeder
I want to thank Jennifer and her Stargazer's Kennels for allowing me to use this excellent article on the goals and responsibilities of a reputable Breeder. |
Links to other sites
Free web pages for your Kennel and Dogs. |
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